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Federation of Felinology Bulgaria warmly invites you to 9th & 10th  International Cat Show, Plovdiv, Kolodrum, 14 and 15 of September 2024
Last show for this year!


Invited FIFe Judges:


Mrs. Anne Veland
Mrs. Anne Paloluoma
Mrs. Marina Vinkel
Mr. Karl Preiss


Show Program:

08.30-09:45 Veterinary control
09:45-10.00 Show opening
10.00-14.00 Judging
16.00-17.00 Best in Show
17.00 Show closing


9:30-10.00 Change classes
10:00- 13:00 Judging
15:00 – 16:00 Best in Show
16:00 Show closing




50 euro per 2 days for one cat, fees for the first 3 cats, from the 4th cat: 40 euro per 2 days for one cat.

from 01.09.2024  until 7.09.2024: 60 euro per 2 days for cat, fees for the first 3 cats, from the 4th cat: 50 euro per 2 days for one cat.

Litter class: 60 euro per one day, 100 euro per two days (no additional fee for kittens that need to be judged individually)

fees are paid in advance to the account:

First Investment Bank
Federation of Felinology Bulgaria
IBAN: BG31FINV91501217616318

For registration you can use our online entry form:

Veterinary conditions: All cats must be in good health, free of parasites and vaccinated against rabies, feline panleucopenia, feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus. White cats must have a veterinary certificate that they are not deaf.

 Address. 500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, CA 94158

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